Sunday 4 April 2010

Essay – Why do people watch Thrillers?

Films are everywhere in media. Bombardments of the latest movie trailers on television commercials, every other bus stop shelter has an advert for the newest movie. Sitting down to watch a movie in the cinema there is a 20 minute segment exclusively to movie teaser trailers; in some cases that’s been my favourite part of going. Each country invests millions of pounds into creating movies and they get even more money in return, as long as the film does well. The film industry has been as strong as ever even in today’s financial climate. But what is all the fuss about? Why do people watch films?

Escapism is what comes to my mind first when I ask myself that question. When watching a movie a person can temporary forgot and ignore real life issues. As the movie progresses the audience, should, become engrossed into the plot. They grow a mild attachment towards the characters, as long as the performance is good. The audience feels empathy towards the characters. By having empathy with the characters on screen the audience experience and feel what the character does in the movie.

I know the main reason why I watch a film is normally because I’ve read a great review about that movie. So recommendations are a nudge towards watching a movie. But why do I listen to the review? Why does a good review to a movie give me the incentive to go out of my way to watch this movie? For me, and it’s different for every person, I go to watch a movie for the soul aim to be moved and inspired; for my eyes to be open and to see the world in a different perspective. I get a great satisfaction when I’ve watched a movie which changes my view on life. I get a better understanding for the reasons behind people’s actions and this develops me as a person.

This applies to everyone; people will watch a movie to get some kind of emotional climax at the end or during the film. This high point of emotion can be a variety of outbursts from crying, to laughing (sometimes both), to being shocked, to jump out of fear and to be scared. People get a fulfilment after leaving a movie after having an emotional outburst.

The cinema environment is a memorable one. The features found in a cinema contribute towards escapism. Whilst watching the movie it is suggested the phones are switched off, cutting off communication with the outside world. No talking is highly advised and enforced by other movie watchers. The actual film room is completely dark which helps create an atmosphere that you’re alone and all that’s left is you and the film.

During the 1920s depression going to the cinema became a common event. As the world outside cinema was only getting worse, inside had no boundaries. Anything could happen in the world of cinema. Cinema allowed the people of the 1920s to escape troubled times and that element of escapism is with us today.

In modern society it has become the norm for young boys to ask out young girls to the movies. It’s one of the acceptable gathering places for teens and young adults. This is due to the media, in films the guy takes the girl out to the movies. This was probably done initially to boost box office sales; the tactic work. As guys and gals go to the movies it gives them a talking point to talk about. They can discuss their expectations of the movies, gossip about the casts’ affairs and talk about previous movies they’ve seen. After watching the movie together, this creates another talking point they can discuss after the movie or at a later date.

Having a talking point doesn’t just apply to dating teens, but to everyone. I’ve had countless conversations about movies that I’ve seen or want to see. I could talk for hours about movies and playing out famous scenes. Discussions are a social event, so films have a social element to them.

Films play a huge part in human society. They make us laugh, they make us cry, they make us feel. They give us a chance to escape reality and at the end of the day, it’s something to talk about. So, why do people watch films? So many reasons.

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