Thursday 1 April 2010

Conventions of an Opening Sequence

To get a better understanding of opening sequences I analysed various sequences from blockbusting films.


The film starts with this shot which explains which filming company has created this film. The name of the company (Channel Four Films) is then followed by “presents”.
This is the shot we see of the actual film. We can see two men running away from another two men dressed in suits. The audience is to assume that the two running away have done something wrong. As they run away they’re dropping items on the floor signify that they have stolen goods. This scene creates a fast pace film straight from the start.
The tension increases as a car pulls out blocking the path of the lead character.
The lead character rolls over the car and looks into the car window, which is directly at the camera. The film pauses and the written code of “RENTON” appear on the screen. The narrator introduces himself in the form of a voiceover.

This film has created a fast pace from the start and effectively introduced the lead character by using editing techniques and voiceovers.

This film starts with the title “MEMENTO” in a blue font and a black background.
The background fades and we see the image of a hand holding an image of a murder victim. As the introduction continues the title fades out and the names of the actors fade in then out. Majority of the cast and crew’s name is shown at the start.

This is an interesting way to start a film as nothing much really happens. However, the audience wants to know what the importance of the image is.

American Beauty
The first shot is this shot above. The quality of the shot is poor signifying this is a recording. It is clear that she is talking to someone as she keeps looking past the camera as if there was someone there.
This establishing shot happens after the last scene and the voice of the main character and narrator starts as he sets the scene. This shot slowly zooms in as it establishes the main location of the film being the house of the narrator.
We then change scene into the house and have a shot looking down at the main character. The narration continues throughout.

This film uses a unique way to introduce the film with a recording of a girl. The film then moves into a more conventional way of introducing a film by using an establishing shot. The narration contributes towards setting the plot and the scene of the film.

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